Ditch the Excuse Phrase to Embrace Opportunity

Procrastination ails even the most motivated of people. While putting things off might give us temporary satisfaction, the lingering tasks or situations end up weighing down heavily on us, thus causing more grief and stress in the long run.

Through my journey as a life coach, some of the biggest obstacles my clients face on the road to success, are the limitations they tie to themselves unconsciously. Some of these limitations include making excuses for why a goal cannot be achieved. Such excuses might stem from limiting beliefs, self-doubt or an assumption that the result will not be what they had in mind - the fear of failure cripples them.

To start getting off the “woe is me” trail and into the zone of proactivity and charge, here are some basic tips to consider:

  1. Find your excuse phrase: Narrow down the excuse phrases you might frequently use when avoiding something – “I’m just too busy”, “I’ve been under a lot of pressure”, “I don’t get enough help” etc. It's crucial that you identify this phrase because it generally carries with it a tone of defeat and victimization. Once you become aware of the phrase, you will find it easier to deal with your unconscious limitations.
  2. Make lists: Write down every single task or issue floating around in your mind. Categorize them into sections, i.e. finances, relationship, health etc. Mark my words - once everything is out of your head and on paper where you can see it, it becomes less overwhelming. Plus, the process of writing things down the old-fashioned way, gives your mind a chance to search for solutions (and maybe improve your penmanship?).
  3. Evaluate your list: Once your list is done, go through each task in your categories and ask yourself “What will I get if I keep putting this off?”. The areas that are pressing and need actioning, will generally make you feel a bit more anxious when you think about them and THOSE are the ones that you need to circle and pluck out of the list as priority.
  4. 'Ready, set, Action': Once you’ve identified the priority items, the next step is to create an action plan for them. Start by thinking of one or two things you can do to improve, solve or tackle the issues. Write them down clearly and give yourself a clear time frame. Once you get through those items, go back to the mother ship list and repeat the process until you are able to wipe away things that weigh you down.

The process is simple, yet it is human nature to overthink and over-complicate things. A simple action plan is all it takes for you to rid yourself of these toxic excuse phrases. So, make a list and set about plans to keep your mind free and breezy on your journey towards discovering and honing a better you. 



Leila Almaeena